2019 Year-In-Review

Whether you just joined the family or have been with us since the beginning, I want to thank you for making this past year such a special one. To celebrate the new year, we’ve compiled a list of some of the milestones we’ve achieved in 2019.


Celebrating Our 40th Year of Empowering Traders Daily
From humble beginnings to changing the world of A.I. – thank you for making it all possible for us to hit this amazing milestone!
New Advancements
We continued to innovate and expand the software with the newly released Bio-Tech & Micro eMini Stock Indexes. These produced huge trading opportunities for our Family Members.
Best Place To Work
VantagePoint was awarded – Tampa Bay Times “Top Places to Work in 2019”, Certified “Great Place to Work“, and Fortune Magazine “Best Small & Medium Workplaces 2019”, just to name a few.
Our Extended Family
We achieved the largest charitable donation in the past 3 years with Shriners Healthcare for Children. We also established an amazing new partnership with the Cancer Center for Children.
Power Trader Seminar
Our most successful year yet! We achieved a record number of attendees in 2019 and even reached capacity at both events. To make sure we can offer this amazing experience to more Traders, we are expanding to three Seminars in 2020!


These are just a few of our proudest moments of 2019. We want to thank you for making all of these achievements a possibility and we can’t wait to show you how VantagePoint can continue to empower your trading in 2020.